Thursday, September 20, 2007

Food glorious food...

I have been having a hard time of it this week. Food beckons me. I love it. I also have a problem with binge eating. Sometimes I just cannot stop eating until I feel Ill or I can't hide anywhere to eat. When I lost the 20kg I lost (before I put 15kg back on) I was not on a "diet". I had a healthy eating and healthy exercise plan which mostly worked (albeit slowly). I just can't seem to regain those habits and have been thinking of going on a "diet" to give me a kick start. I am looking at CSIro diet or South Beach. I can't in my mind thathom doing weight watchers again as when I did do it it was not in a healthy way (i.e undereating to allow things I really shouldn't have been eating).
On a positive note I am trying to remember all the positive things that have improved in my health these last 5 years, mostly in the variety of food I now eat. I grew up in a household of meat, potatoes, pasta, junk food and takeaway. Vegetable were overcooked and my parent soon gave up trying to make us eat them. Salad??? Oh you mean coleslaw (which I hate) that came with the KFC .My mother still lives like this. My mum was a great cook when it came to deep or shallow fried. Even roast dinners were virtually shallow fried. I took over the household cooking largely from the age of 16 (and did a lot before then too).
Here are the list of things I now eat on a regular basis most of which I thought I didn't like back then:
Mushrooms (which I now LOVE)
Pumpkins ( love)
Spinach (love)
Rocket (love)
Cucumbers (I would eat these before but not as often as I do now)
Eggplant (aubergine)
Cabbage (unless cleaverly hidden in something deep fried)
Baby broccoli (but not normal broccoli)
Zuccini (Courgette)
Asparagus (YUM)
Sweet Potatoe (Kumara)
Things I will still not eat and don't ask me to ( I have tried)
Capsicum - I hate these the worst
Brussel sprouts
Beans (both these still make me retch).
So in all I have come a long way I suppose. I am more open to trying things.

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